Specification Builders London Builders • Please use the following documents as template for providing costing and program plan. • The information on supplied in the tables is only for illustration. • Please make amendment to the content of the table as required. • The content of the tables e.g. name of rooms, order of phases, material list can be amended by you if required. • It is important to keep the structure of the templates as much as possible to ensure consistency and comparison.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2009 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 2 Contents Preliminaries and general Condition..................................................................................................................3 Project particulars ..........................................................................................................................................3 The site and existing buildings .......................................................................................................................3 Description of Work .......................................................................................................................................3 Contract Agreement.......................................................................................................................................4 Tendering ........................................................................................................................................................5 Documents, definitions and interpretations.................................................................................................6 Management of the works generally.............................................................................................................7 Instruction and information flow ...................................................................................................................8 Quality control and standards......................................................................................................................10 Inspection and co-ordination of work .........................................................................................................11 Security – Safety and Protection..................................................................................................................12 Facilities and services...................................................................................................................................13 Specification /Scope of work ............................................................................................................................14 Project Cost Plan ..........................................................................................................................................14 Inclusion and Exclusions ...............................................................................................................................15 Room Finishing Schedule -Detail.................................................................................................................30 Room Finishing Schedule -Summary...........................................................................................................44 Schedule for Decorating and Paneling Walls and Ceilings .........................................................................45 Schedule for Floor Finishing .........................................................................................................................46 Summary of Tender......................................................................................................................................47 Material List..................................................................................................................................................48 Program.........................................................................................................................................................49
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 3 Preliminaries and general Condition Project particulars a. Nature of Work i. Two-story extension ii. refurbishment of a three bedroom house b. Address i. London Builders c. Timescale i. Preferred Starting date is: 14th of Jan 2008 d. Client’s Name i. e. List of All Documents i. Main Drawings ii. Structural Drawings iii. Sections A-A , B-B, C-C iv. Elevation Drawings v. Mechanical drawings – Not included vi. Electrical drawings – Not included The site and existing buildings a. Details of existing buildings on the site i. Detached three-bedroom house b. Existing mains or services i. Care to be taken to ensure utility services that run through the site are protected c. Parking i. There are limited parking facilities d. Surrounding land and buildings uses i. The surrounding area is residential and full co-operation is required to ensure consideration for neighbours, with minimum disturbance, is a priority e. Risks to health and Safety i. The garage roof is known to contain asbestos. Correct procedures will be required to remove and dispose the material. f. Site visits i. Before providing a detailed tender, the contractor is to visit the site in order to be familiar with the nature of the project and to assess any potential problem with regard to access Description of Work a. The Work
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – ] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 4 i. To build a two story extension adjacent to the existing house and full refurbishment of exiting three bedroom house including of relocation of kitchen b. Completion by Others i. Elements to be fully organised by client: 1. All floor finishes 2. All ceramic tiles 3. Supply and installation of kitchen excluding all pipe works and electrical 4. Provision of lights, switches and plugs 5. Provision of sanitary ware 6. Supply and installation double gazed windows and doors c. Shrinkage and cracks i. The contractor will be expected to return to the property on expirations of the agreed defects liability period to make good all shrinkage cracks and gaps that have occurred in the new work ii. All cost for remedial work associated with shrinkage will be borne by the contractor Contract Agreement a. Type of contract i. “Building Contract for a Home Owner/Occupier who has not appointed a consultant to oversee the work”. b. Earliest date of possession i. It is anticipated that work will start on or around 14/01/2008 subject to confirmation. c. Date of completion i. The work is anticipated to take approximately 19 weeks; however , precedence over acceptance of tender may be given to proposed programme dates by contractors d. Extension of time i. Extension of time may be negotiated subject to: 1. Additional work be instruction 2. Delay in related work being organised by client 3. Adverse weather conditions 4. Design changes by client resulting in delays 5. Delays caused by unforeseen circumstances other than those specified (subject to discussion). e. Penalty of late completion i. At the time of going to press, a penalty of £800 per week or part of a week will be imposed for late completion of the project, subject to any extension of time being agreed f. Defects liability period i. The period of defects liability will be six month from Practical Completion
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 5 g. Valuations i. The first valuation will take place 21 days after project start date with following valuation being carried out on the same day in four weekly intervals thereafter h. Payment dates i. Payments will be made by cheque within 14 days of agreed valuations i. Insurance details i. All relevant copies of insurance policies must accompany the tender j. Dispute i. In the event of a dispute an independent arbitrator will be appointed who is a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and experienced in dispute resolution. Tendering a. Scope of works and preliminaries i. Only works as started in the preliminaries and scope of works should be tendered for b. Exclusions i. If the contractor is unable to tender for any of the work as started in the preliminaries or scope of works, the client must be informed as soon as possible c. Acceptance of tender i. The client does not guarantee that the sender of the lowest tender will be automatically be inverted to enter into a contract d. Period of validity i. Tender must remain valid for a period of at least 10 weeks from the date of submission e. The priced specification/scope of works i. All elements that are individually described should be individually priced. ii. Where individual elements are not priced, it will be deemed that they have been included elsewhere in the tender f. Program of works i. A proposed programme of works will be required with the tender ii. Time scale for work that is being arranged by the client (i.e. providing materials and installation) should be include in the programme g. Material provided by client i. Where client is responsible for buying material the contractor is responsible for specifying the exact measurements and any information necessary to client h. Quality control procedures i. A statement detailing the resources for controlling the quality of the workmanship and materials must accompany the tender, including: 1. Material compliance procedures 2. Quality control of sub-contractors’ work 3. Number and type of staff
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 6 4. Qualifications of supervisory staff and their duties i. Guarantees i. For all work done guarantee certificate should be provided j. Health and Safety information i. The following document must be submitted by the tender: 1. A statement detailing how the contractor propose to undertake health and safety obligations to safeguard all site operatives, sub-contractors, visitors and all persons who may be effected by the work Documents, definitions and interpretations a. CLIENT: the owner or person for whom the project is being carried out b. APPROVAL or VERIFICATION: the approval/verification in writing to or from the client c. SUBMIT: documents to the client unless started otherwise d. PRODUCTS: materials and goods intended to be permanently incorporated into the work e. REMOVE: disconnected and/or dismantle as necessary and remove from site (other than materials or equipments owned by statutory undertake) f. KEEP FOR REUSE: prevent damage occurring to the stated material or component (so as is reasonably practical) and clean off any surplus jointing or bedding material g. REPLACE: i. remove the stated materials of components as indicated and replace with materials that are equivalent in quality and visual aspects ii. make good any areas that have been disturbed in order to carry out the replacement work h. REPAIR: carry out remedial work or material, component, features or finishes as indicated, to leave in condition that matched the original finished condition i. MAKE GOOD: carry out remedial work to areas that have been disturbed by work carried out under this contract j. EASE: i. To make appropriate adjustment to moving parts in order to achieve a standard of work that enables the good working operations of the started component ii. Ensure good fit and free movement; make good as required k. TO MATCH EXISTING i. To use materials or products that match as closely as possible the visual characteristics and feature of the existing work ii. To produce work that when finished is as inconspicuous as possible in physical and visual appearance l. Technical literature i. The contractor must keep on site all necessary technical information for supervisory personnel and trades persons to refer to as and when required for example; 1. Manufacture’s literature
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 7 2. Relevant BC Codes of Practice 3. Performance rating, where appropriate m. Maintenance instructions and guarantees i. Contractor to retain on-site all documentation related to any material, product or component ii. Contractor to register guarantees with appropriate manufactures on installation of product, and deliver copies to client iii. Contractor to provide the client with telephone numbers of sub-contractors responsible for emergency repair services Management of the works generally a. Supervision i. Contractor to arrange for a supervision, co-ordination, and general administration of all works including that of all sub-contractors ii. Contractor to ensure continuity of work to each trade by arranging and monitoring the program accordingly and taking into account local authority inspections, statutory utilities work and delivery of material iii. All supervisory staff to be experienced, trained and qualified to carry out their duties b. Weather conditions – keeping records i. Accurate records must be kept of daily minimum and maximum air temperatures ii. Good building practice must be used with regard to working in extreme weather conditions iii. Work affected by adverse weather conditions should be recorded to include: 1. Description of weather conditions 2. Dates 3. Type of work affected 4. Total number of hours lost 5. Damage caused as consequence c. Ownership of materials i. All redundant material arising from demolition or alteration becomes the property of the contractor. It must be removed from site at the earliest opportunity, or as work proceeds d. Programme and progress i. Before starting the work on-site a master programme must be submitted from approval by the client and must include: 1. Design and production of information by the appropriate person who are required to do so for construction purposes, including checking and inspections 2. Planning and mobilisations by the main contractor carrying out the main scope of works
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 8 ii. Where the work is being organised by the client the contractor must seek advice from client iii. A progress report detailing progress against programme must be prepared and submitted to the client two days prior to site meetings iv. A record of progress must be kept on-site and updated on a daily basis v. Proposals for recovering lost time due to unforeseen circumstances must be put forward as and when requested e. Meetings i. A pre-contract meeting will take place between the client and contractor one week prior to commencement of project ii. Regular fortnightly meetings will take place on dates to be arranged iii. The contractor will be expected to hold meetings with sub-contractors to ensure standards and continuity are maintained f. Notice of completion i. In order for client’s independent inspections to take place, at least one week’s notice must be given prior to the whole or parts of the project reaching practical completion g. Adverse weather – protection i. The contractor will be expected to use all reasonable methods prevent or minimise delays to the project during adverse weather conditions ii. The contractor will also be expected to minimise any potential damage that could be caused by adverse weather conditions by employing the user of suitable protection method h. Extension of time i. Where the contractor intends to apply for an extension of time, the following information must be provided at least two weeks before the commencement date of such extension to time: 1. Reason for extension of time 2. Effects of delay on other work 3. Revised programme showing new completion date i. Extension of time will only be granted if evidence for reasonable justification is produced i. Cash flow forecast i. As soon as possible and in conjunction with valuation dates, the contractor must produce a forecast of payments required for completed work as indicated on the main programme Instruction and information flow a. Proposed instruction from client i. Where the client issues details of a proposed instructions with a request for estimated costs, the contractor must submit the estimate as soon as possible and in any case within seven days to include:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 9 1. A detailed breakdown of cost for labour and material or as indicated 2. Details of additions resource required 3. details of adjustments to the program ii. If the contractor is unable to submit an estimate for a proposed instruction, the client must be informed immediately b. Required Information i. The contractor or sub-contractor who requires information must provide a formal written request, to include: 1. Details of the information required 2. Dates by which the information is required ii. The client must be given at least three days to provide the appropriate information iii. Where the client cannot provide information within three days duo to third party input, the contractor will be informed iv. The client will endeavour to provide information or answers to questions as soon as is reasonably practical c. Measuring completed work i. The contractor is required to give reasonable notice for work that is not immediately visible in order for inspections and measurements to be carried out ii. Any work that has been carried out in excess of or below that started in the specification /scope of works needs to be brought to attention of the client as soon as it become apparent d. “Day work” agreements i. Where a day work agreement has been negotiated, reasonable notice must be given prior to the start of the day work taking place, and a record of day work must be kept to include: 1. Reference of instruction for nature of the day work 2. Name of person(s) carrying out the work 3. Materials used 4. Plant used 5. Hours spent on the work 6. Signature of person in charge e. Interim Valuations i. Information on work carried out must be submitted to the client five days prior to the established valuation dates with full details of the amounts due in relation to work carried out ii. The valuation must include no more than 1. Fixed materials provided by the contractor 2. Labour cost of fixed materials 3. Percentage of preliminary cost in proportion to elapsed project time 4. A list of unfixed material on-site 5. A list of unfixed material or products off-site
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 10 f. Unfixed material on-site i. The client retains the right to pay for a percentage of unfixed material on-site g. Listed off site material or goods i. The client retains the right to pay for a percentage of materials or goods as listed off-site ii. Conformation of payment or deposits paid for listed materials off-site will be required Quality control and standards a. Good practice i. Where details of materials, products and workmanship are not fully specified, they are required to be of a standard in keeping with British standards and suitable for the function for which they are intended b. Material – compliance i. Care should be taken to ensure that materials and products comply with the specification and Building Control requirements ii. Specific checks should be made to ensure that: 1. Quantities of delivered materials are correct 2. Finishes and colours are correct and match approved samples 3. Sizes and dimensions of materials or products are as specified on drawings or technical information 4. Materials are delivered clean and undamaged c. Consistency i. Where large orders of similar materials are expected to be delivered over a period of time, the contractor must make certain that methods are used to ensure colour matching or correct batching processes are implemented d. Protection of material i. The contractor must ensure that all practical measures are taken during the construction phase to ensure that materials or products are fully protected whether they are fixed, unfixed, boxed, wrapped, etc., until practical completion has taken place ii. All original packing cases must be retained until practical completion has taken place e. Sample of material for approval i. Where specified the contractor will be responsible for providing samples of a product or material for approval by the client f. Sample of finished work i. Sample of the finished work will be required for approval g. Appearance and fit ii. Contractor to be responsible for all accuracy and any discrepancies in levels or dimensions to be reported to the client before proceeding with work
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 11 iii. Where satisfactory appearance or accuracy of fit are difficult to achieve approval of proposals must be obtained from the client as soon as possible h. Tolerances i. Contractor to work in accordance with British Standard (BS 5606) for tolerances in construction i. General services i. All work affecting utility services must be in accordance with by-laws, regulations and statutory authority requirements j. Mechanical and electrical tests i. All M= E works are to be carried out in accordance with the regulatory bodies’ codes of practice ii. All M+ E work to be reinserted/tested during construction and a final test carried out on practical completion iii. All test and insulation certificated to be handed over to the client as and when appropriate iv. Statement that the work complies with the regulations for gas and electrical installation will be required Inspection and co-ordination of work a. Supervision i. The contractor will be responsible /accountable for the supervision and actions of all site operative including sub-contractors and visitors on site b. Co-ordination of building and engineering services i. At least one person on site under the direction of the main contractor should have sufficient knowledge of the work and project to ensure cohesion between all traders c. Access for inspection by client i. Access facilities for the client to inspect work must be made available by the contractor ii. At least one week’s notice must be given before removing access facilities such as scaffolding d. Timing of tests and inspections i. Sufficient notice must be given where inspection or tests needs to be witnessed by client or Engineers e. Test certificates i. Copies of certificates for any test carried out should be submitted t the client and a copy kept on-site where appropriate f. Proposal for rectifying defects i. Where defects have been found, written proposals for rectifying the work should be forwarded to the client for approval g. Quality control and test records
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 12 i. A system to ensure that all works are carried out in accordance with the specification should be put into operations, for example: 1. Keeping a record of inspections or tests to include: a. Element f work, date and location b. Nature of the inspection c. Result of the inspection/test d. Details of corrective work required h. On completion of work – making good i. Contractor to make good at their expense any damage caused to the client’s property, neighbouring property, footpath or road during the construction work ii. All services should be connected and available for inspection by client Security – Safety and Protection a. Contractor to comply with H & S Law b. Security measures i. The contractor will be expected to make adequate arrangement for the security of: 1. The works 2. Material 3. Plant 4. Access to adjoining properties c. Burning on –site i. Burning of redundant material or waste will not be permitted on-site d. Waste i. All wastes or surplus materials must be regularly cleared from site and the site kept clean and tidy e. Existing services above or below ground i. Contact all service providers to obtain the appropriate drawings and locations of service ii. Adequately protect and prevent damage to existing services, and do not interfere with them iii. Where required contact the appropriate service provider for advice of the correct recommendation for working close to their supplies f. Road and footpaths i. Maintain public routes for roads and footpaths adjacent to the site ii. Keep roads and footpath clear of mud, debris and materials at all times iii. Any damage to roads or footpath that may result from the building work must be made good to the satisfaction of the local authority or owner iv. Contractor to pay for any damage caused g. Existing topsoil/subsoil/trees/shrubs i. The contractor will be responsible for repair and costs in relation to damage caused to surrounding elements in general
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 13 h. Adjoining property i. Any damage caused to adjoining properties will be made good as directed by the client ii. The contractor will bear the cost of any remedial work required i. Existing structures i. Methods of excavations or demolition of work adjacent to adjoining property or existing structure must be prepared prior to commencement ii. All appropriate methods of support, and shoring, strutting, etc., must be employed to ensure structural integrity during the work Facilities and services a. Facilities – site facilities plan i. A plan must be provided with the tender to indicate the position of : 1. Soil heaps 2. Material storage 3. Skips 4. Temporary water supply 5. Temporary electrical supply 6. Position of service run b. Lighting i. In order for the client to inspect finished work appropriate lighting must be provided when required c. Telephone i. The contractor must provide, as soon as possible after starting on-site, a direct telephone line to the person in charge d. Fax i. The contractor must provide, as soon as possible after starting on-site, a direct fax line to the person in charge e. Email i. The contractor must provide, as soon as possible after starting on-site, an Email f. Meter readings i. Meter readings will be taken at possession and completion of the project, and costs of usage will be paid by the contractor
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 14 Specification /Scope of work Project Cost Plan The following documents should be completed by the contractor. PROJECT COST PLAN Ref Description L.A Utility Mat Labour Vat Total Note 1. Gas, Electric, Water, BT 2. LA Fees 3. Prelims & setup 4. Site strip 5. Foundation to DPC 6. Brick/block to roof 7. Roof & Windows 8. Mechanical Electrical 9. Plastering 10 Carpentry & fitted elements 11 Bathroom 12 Kitchen 13 Decorating & wall tiling 14 Floor finish 15 External works 16 Contingency 17 Total 18 19 Table 1 For each of the above please provide what is included and excluded in Inclusion and Exclusion table
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 15 Inclusion and Exclusions Please under each section describe what is and what is not included in your quotation 1 Gas, Electric, Water, BT a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 16 2 LA Fees A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 17 3 Prelims & setup A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 18 4 Site strip A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 19 5 Foundation to DPC A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 20 6 Brick/block to roof A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 21 7 Roof & Windows A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT –London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 22 9 Mechanical Electrical A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 23 9 Plastering A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 24 10 Carpentry & fitted elements A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 25 11 Bathroom A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 26 12 Kitchen A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 27 13 Decorating & wall tiling A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 28 14 Floor A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 29 15 External works A. Includes maintaining the appearance of the roof to be similar to exiting roof B. Includes removal of Satellite dishes and reinstallation after completion of work C. All external walls to be painted white to ensure consistent appearance D. E. F. G. H. I. J.
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 30 Room Finishing Schedule -Detail ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Bedroom 1 Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Windows Client Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 31 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Bedroom 2 Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Windows Client Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 32 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Bedroom 3 Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Windows Client Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 33 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Bedroom 4 Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Windows Client Client 13 Radiators Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London builder GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 34 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Master Bedroom Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Windows Client Client 13 Radiators Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London Builders GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 35 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE En-Suite Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Wall Tile Client 6 Floor Tiles Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Basin Client 13 Mirror Client 14 Wall Fixtures Client 15 Basin & taps Client 16 Cistern Client 17 Shower Client 18 Extract Client 19 Windows Client Client 20 Radiators Client 21 Hose washer Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London plumbers GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 36 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Bathroom Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Wall Tile Client 6 Floor Tiles Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Basin Client 13 Mirror Client 14 Wall Fixtures Client 15 Basin & taps Client 16 Cistern Client 17 Shower Client 18 Bath Client 19 Extract Client 20 Windows Client Client 21 Radiators Client 22 Hose washer Client Other Notes: Window might require adjusting due to height of cistern
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London electricians GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 37 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE WC Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Basin Client 13 Mirror Client 14 Wall Fixtures Client 15 Basin & taps Client 16 Cistern Client 17 Extract Client 18 Windows Client Client 19 Radiators Client 20 Hose washer Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London Plumbers GARDENS] [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 38 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Family Living & Dining Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Windows Client Client 13 Radiators Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London painters [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 39 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE TV Room Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Surround System Client 13 Windows Client Client 14 Radiators Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London decorators [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 40 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Library Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Library Shelves Client 13 Windows Client Client 14 Radiators Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London gardeners [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 41 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Hallway/Stairs/Landings Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Stairs Rails & Posts Client 13 Windows Client Client 14 Radiators Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London carpenters [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 42 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Kitchen Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Extract Client 13 Cabinet & Appliances Client Client 14 Windows Client Client 15 Radiators Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London carpenters [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 43 ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Utility Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 12 Extract Client 13 Shelves Client 14 Windows Client Client 15 Radiators Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London plaster [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 44 Room Finishing Schedule -Summary ROOM FINISHING SCHEDULE Store Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total Comment Ref Description Provided By 1 Skirting Client 2 Coving Client 3 Wall Coat 4 Wall Finish Client 5 Floor Ready for Finish 6 Floor Finish Client Client 7 Ceiling Coat 8 Ceiling Finish Client 9 Doors Client 10 Door furniture Client 11 Switches etc. Client 13 Extract Client 14 Windows Client Client 15 Radiators Client 16 Shelves Client Other Notes:
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London plastering [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 45 Schedule for Decorating and Paneling Walls and Ceilings SCHEDULE FOR DECORATING AND PANELING WALLS AND CEILINGS Ref Room First Coat Tiling Mat Lab not Vat VAT Total 1. Bedroom 1 Yes 2. Bedroom 2 Yes 3. Bedroom 3 Yes 4. Bedroom 4 Yes 5. Bedroom 5 Yes 6. En-suite Yes Yes 7. Bathroom Yes Yes 8. WC Yes Yes 9. Living room Yes 10. TV Room Yes 11. Library Yes 12. Hallway/stairs/landing Yes 13. Kitchen Yes 14. Utility Yes 15. Store Yes 16. 17. Total
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London roofers [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 46 Schedule for Floor Finishing SCHEDULE FOR FLOOR FINISHING Ref Room Laminate Carpet Tiles Vinyl Lab not Vat VAT Total 1. Bedroom 1 2. Bedroom 2 3. Bedroom 3 4. Bedroom 4 5. Bedroom 5 6. En-suite 7. Bathroom 8. WC 9. Living room 10. TV Room 11. Library 12. Hallway/stairs/landing 13. Kitchen 14. Utility 15. Store 16. 17. Total
[SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT – London extensions builders [2007 12 08] C o n t r a c t o r : Page 49 Program PROGRAM REF PHASE JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE WEEKS 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 Site set up, foundations 2 Excavation and foundations 3 Brickwork to DCP and slab 4 Brickwork to first floor & scaffold 5 First floor joists 6 Brickwork to roof level 7 Roof trusses and roof covering 8 First fix carpentry, walls & stairs 9 External windows and doors 10 First and second fix M + E 11 Plastering 12 Second fix carpentry 13 Kitchen installation 14 Second fix M + E 15 Ceramics 16 Decoration 17 Floor finishes 18 External works 19 Valuation 20 Payment See video clips with our works here
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