When it comes to choosing wallpaper, a better quality , medium or heavyweight wallpaper is recommended. Cheaper wallpapers have the design printed directly onto the paper. Better quality wallpapers are usually given a protective coating before the pattern is printed. Top quality ones also have a clear coating over the pattern to protect the surface. Basic types : Washable - the paper is covered with a clear water resistant coating of matt or gloss PVA, making it ideal for use in the kitchen or bathrooms. Vinyl - a layer of PVC is fused onto at paper backing to produce a really tough vinyl-faced covering that is steam and water resistant and can be even scrubbed clean. Ready- Pasted - dried fungicidal adhesive on the back does away with the traditional pasting operation. Polyethylene - this type is lighter than ordinary wallpaper and warm to touch. It is easier to and quicker to hang than other wall coverings. Dry-Strip - washable and ready pasted papers are not easily removed using conventional soak and strip method since the water cannot penetrate the water resisting coating. Lining Paper - thin paper used under the decorative wall covering to give a high quality finish. It is available in several weights and it is best to conceal uneven surfaces. Wallpapering - London Decorators and Painters
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