Damp Stains Interior Decorations Walls & Ceilings

Keeping damp stains off interior decorations

The answer of most Painters and Decorators to the problem of damp spoiling interior decorations and plaster is a waterproofing lath material, made from a waterproof fibre sheet which lets air pass between wall and plaster, and makes a key for replastering or mounting plasterboard sheets;

You can get it from any builder’s merchant in rolls. But remember, interior treatment keeps damp from the interior surface of the room – it does not make the main wall dry. Sometimes waterproof rendering and one coat of water proof plastering can solve the damp problem before painting and decorating a wall.

Hack off plaster from damp wall, back to the brickwork, and a foot or so along any wall which joins the damp wall.Since wall will go on being damp, it’s worth painting it with a fungicide to sterilise bricks.

painting walls decorators

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